Sunday, December 9, 2012


     The author states that toy stores are full of gender inequality, with separate aisles for toys for boys and toys for girls. The boy toys are often blue and violent. Toys for building or for destruction that make noises such as bang or boom. The boy toys are also athletic or jobs that are for "men" such as firefighters or policemen. The girls section is full of pink and toys for cooking, cleaning, or pretending to be a mother. The barbies also had different races, so a little girl could look just like her toy. The packaging plays a big part, with words appealing to each gender of pictures that would attract those kids who cannot read yet. However, there were gender neutral toys, such as the craft toys like play dough, crayons, and markers. But these toys were usually hidden in the corner and not advertised as much in the stores as much as the guns or the baby dolls. 

     These gender inequality roles in these stores should not be happening, however, this is how society sees it to be right. It is weird to see a little girl using a nerd gun or a little boy carrying a baby doll because society has made us think that that is not right. A boy should be tough and violent and a girl should be motherly and a "princess". It should not be that way because any child should be able to be themselves and play with any toy that they want to and it would be socially acceptable. Media also makes it seem like women should do this and men should do another. Most shows show that women as weak or showing some part of her body and the men are the people on the top and they are tough. The media makes it seem as if women are helpless and need men in their life to protect them all the time. There are rare times when women are the hero and if they are, they still seem to be the fit types of girls. These things should be gone and it should be acceptable for anyone to be who they want to be and not bombarded by what society thinks is right.
WC: 374


Gender Inequality in Toys

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