Thursday, November 29, 2012

Room for Debate

College is not always the answer/ Mishel
     -We beed to prepare students for jobs that don't require college degrees.
     -Support the efforts to complete
     -4-year college degree not the panacea
     -We need a nation that has and values all sorts of work and skills.
Skills with no credential are no longer enough/ Carey
     -The more complicated the world gets, the more complex skills the job market requires.
     -Large parts of the economy are evolving.
     -Not everyone is willing to or able to get a Bachelor's degree. Need a chance to try.
Some need more help to succeed in college/ Hrabowski
     -A college education equips students with the tools they need to realize their own best paths.
     -Some students don't come fully prepared.
     -Balancing college access, costs, and excellence is not with out its difficulties.
For a middle-class life, college is crucial/ Carnevale
     -Between 1973 and 2010, the share of jobs requiring education beyond high school more than doubled.
     -College is what distinguished the middle-class from the goring number of low-income Americans.
     -College is not a blue collar vs. white collar issue.
     -Good jobs that require only a high school education are gone and will not be coming back.

     My Stance
     I would have to agree with Mishel because I do not think that we should always focus on everybody going to college. Yes, college is one thing to succeed and life and improve our skills, but it is not what we should all focus on. If we all focus on everybody going to college and getting jobs that are in offices, then we will not have any blue collar jobs left, we will not have anyone to do the mechanical work or plumbing, but everyone in little cubicles. Thinking about that is some what of a scary issue because we won't have anything left and everything will be all the same and there won't be that balance that is needed in society. We need those people who do office work and "clean" jobs, yet we also need people who do the dirty work for the rest of the society that does not want to do it. Going to college is not the main goal and a degree will not always get you everywhere, there are majors that you take that won't really help you once you get out of college and you end up doing nothing with what you just graduated from.
     Hrabowski makes a good point when it comes to saying that some students need more help than others. The educational system is pretty unfair when you think about it, they set a goal for everyone to reach and if you are not up to that level and cannot reach that goal, you fail and that is how it works. What should be is that it is tailored to one's specific need and what they could do so that there are not as many people failing because they cannot reach that unfair goal. Also, after finish high school, it is a ginormous jump to college and it seems like what we were preparing for was not the right thing and some people do not come as prepared as they need to, so there should be that balance as to what us as students do, what teachers do, and what the community needs to do.
WC: 355

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

7 Billion Reflection

The fact that we don’t need space, but we need balance was very powerful to me. If all 7 billion people in this world cam fit shoulder to shoulder just in Los Angeles shows that geographically as a population that we are not overpopulated as we think we are. But if we keep growing and growing and producing more off springs our natural resources and what we need to survive will end up decline and end up disappearing and we will not be able to reach it any longer. It is a scary thought to think about and it reminds me of survival of the fittest and how someone has to compete to get what they need to survive and if they cannot, they will not be able to make it. This video made me curious because if there are so many people where are the places that are not populated or not as populated, are they places where it is hard to live or is it just unappealing  to people? Also, because there are now many major cities are people starting to move into the cities or move away? Is that why we do not need more space because people are either cramming in one area or they are becoming distant from each other and spreading out. It is also weird to thing about so many babies are being born yet, so little people are dying to equal the balance, it is a scary thought that eventually there may be too many people in the world and not enough space or resources.
WC; 264